Services Offered

Leadership Development

Carrie has consulted and taught leadership development for over twenty years. She is certified in and taught the Leadership Challenge workshop for large multi-national corporations all over the world. She has also taught Facilitative Leadership programs and a custom version of Situational Leadership. She teaches leadership communucation skills to high potential women and other senior leaders. She is on the faculty to teach an ongoing Strategic Leadership program at a large technology company. Although she is certified in several leadership models and frameworks, her deep internal experience working inside highly regarded technology companies with senior leaders gives Carrie vast personal experience to draw from in the classroom, and make the learning relevant for the participants. Her experience brings the leadership theory into real world practice.

Team Development

team effectiveness model

Carrie co-created a framework for high performing teams and uses this framework as both a diagnostic and a development model with intact teams.

At the base is Self Awareness: What do we bring to a team- what are our skills, competencies, values, temperament- How do we bring value to the team?

Next is Productive Relationships: How can we work best with others? How do we value other’s skills, and what do we do better together than alone?

Role Clarity: Who does what and are we clear on what each other’s priorities are? Are there gaps in the work that needs to be done? Overlap?

Operating Principles and Agreements: What are our operating norms and agreements? How will we work together?

Aligned Purpose: Unless we are clearly aligned, we are just a group of people working together. What is our vision for our team? Our strategy?

These five components of team development are taught in the context of the Tuckman model (Bruce Tuckman, 1965) on the four phases of team development- Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing.

Myers Briggs: Carrie has put over 2000 people through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). As an ENFP she is enthusiastic, engaging and flexible in the facilitation of program.

Executive Coaching

Carrie has her certification from New Ventures West. She works in a compassionate and reflective manner working with an Integral approach to coaching. Carrie has worked with senior leaders from Directors to CEO’s. Her ability to work with all levels in an organization provides the client with a vast range of level experience. For two years she has been part of the faculty for a Womens Leadership Program at a well known financial services firm, coaching high potential women on their leadership development.

Strategic Facilitation

Carrie has worked with teams to get them on the same page in terms of vision, mission and values. She also has extensive experience with facilitation of complex issues and teams.